LIMES - Link discovery framework for Metric Spaces

LIMES is a link discovery framework for the Web of Data. It implements time-efficient approaches for large-scale link discovery based on the characteristics of metric spaces. It is easily configurable via a configuration file as well as through a graphical user interface. LIMES can be downloaded as standalone tool for carrying out link discovery or as a Java library.
OpenLink Virtuoso

Conceptually, Virtuoso provides a “Data Junction Box” that drives enterprise and individual agility by deriving a Semantic Web of Linked Data from existing data silos. Technically, Virtuoso is a modern enterprise-grade solution for data access, virtualization, integration and multi-model relational database management (SQL Tables and/or RDF Statement Graphs).
DEER - RDF Data Extraction and Enrichment Framework

Over the last years, the Linked Data principles have been used across academia and industry to publish and consume structured data. Thanks to the fourth Linked Data principle, many of the RDF datasets used within these applications contain implicit and explicit references to more data. For example, music datasets such as Jamendo include references to locations of record labels, places where artists were born or have been, etc. Datasets such as Drugbank contain references to drugs from DBpedia, were verbal description of the drugs and their usage is explicitly available. The goal of mapping component, dubbed DEER, is to retrieve this information, make it explicit and integrate it into data sources according to the specifications of the user. To this end, DEER relies on a simple yet powerful pipeline system that consists of two main components: enrichment functions and operators.